
Interactive tutorial windows for your R Markdown Site

Using LearnR in your R Markdown site
In this post I’m going to show you how you put a LearnR tutorial window into your R Markdown website. I haven’t outright tested this with bookdown, blogdown, or Distill, but it should work the same way for those types of sites too. This is an early draft to share this so that it can be out in the world!

Making pretty note boxes

My summer intern project with Alison Hill was a bookdown book called rstudio4edu (coming soon!), and for this project we wanted to create custom, pretty tip boxes (aka custom blocks, sidebars, or –as I like to call them– “div tips”) to use in the book we were writing. We also wanted to include them in a series of site templates geared towards educators (also coming soon!), using R Markdown, bookdown, etc.